Composition Challenge: ACTION

Mrs. Gotschall challenged us to show applications of the following elements of composition through our photos this week. I've chosen a few of my favorites to illustrate some of the mentioned elements:
  • Action
This is a carousel at Dollywood in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. To capture the action I experimented with different shutter speeds shooting in Shutter Priority mode and bracing my camera on a nearby fence to act as a tripod. The slower the shutter speed, the more "blurry" the action, obviously. This one that I chose as my favorite was captured at a shutter speed of 1 sec. (f/22),
but you can see the progression as this one was a shutter speed of .4 sec (f/13)

and this one would be what the carousel looks like without capturing the motion-- shutter speed 1/60 sec. (f/4).


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