Composition Challenge: Angle/Perspective

Just changing your perspective or your camera angle can go such a long way in improving your image "interesting-ness." These are a few examples I choose where just changing the angle in which I compose the shot makes a big difference in the end result.

Drew playing the guitar in the living room could have been a dull image had I framed him in the shot. Instead, I got the camera down on the ground level and looked back over the guitar strings for my perspective.

This shot taken at Muir Woods in San Francisco shows how small the giant redwoods can make you feel... just by taking the photo at an upwards angle.

Claire was trying to capture dewdrops on the grass in our front yard when she got down on the ground and captured this shot. What I like about seeing the house in the background is that the camera angle gives the viewer a sense of seeing the world through an infant or an insect's eyes. Here changing the angle/perspective tell a story through a different point of view.


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